Prendiamoci cura della Terra

Let’s discover the world with Inventories

It is curiosity that pushes children and adults to discover the world around us; how many things we do not know and how exciting it is to savor the pleasure of discovery and the wonder of knowledge, to explore the secrets of a world that is incredible and largely unknown!

For young nature-loving readers who want to discover, without getting scared 😉 , the world of insects, or the secrets of birds and flowers, or who want to learn about the mountains, the mysteries of the sea and its inhabitants; for those who are fascinated by prehistory and dinosaurs, today we recommend “Collana degli Inventari” (the Inventory Series), published by the Ippocampo Publishing House.

The series is made up of high quality thematic books which, thanks also to the drawings of Emmanuelle Tchoukriel, specialized in medical-scientific drawing, and the texts of Virginie Aladjidi, children’s writer, can be an engaging and exciting reading for children and teenagers. The contents were curated by specialists; actually, the precious support of naturalists, marine biologists, paleontologists, ethologists and botanists has made it possible to structure the book with essential and effective texts and to perfect the accuracy of the images. All thse things contribute to make each volume a truly unique experience.

The “Collana Inventari” is therefore a tool for stimulating young users’ curiosity, scientific interest and wonder at the variety of natural environments and life forms on our planet, strengthening their ability to observe and reflect, encouraging correct behaviors as regards the protection of the environment and its resources, ensuring that the readers feel part of an extraordinary and wonderful macrocosm they have to know and respect.

Since reading helps to grow up and discover the world, today among all the volumes in the series we feel like recommending our little friends to read the Illustrated Inventory of the Sea, a very well-curated and very pleasant book.

Authors: Emmanuelle Tchoukriel, Virginie Aladjidi
Publisher: L’Ippocampo Ragazzi, 2011
Pages: 80 | EAN: 9788896968369

At the end of the summer, many will have returned from beach holidays and will want to remember the experiences they had and learn more about the animals and plants they encountered and observed. With the Illustrated Inventory of the Sea they will discover the marine ecosystem, they will learn what marine biodiversity is, they will get to know 100 sea animals and plants, from tiny plankton to large fish up to the giants of the sea, from algae to seductive jellyfish and animals that look like flowers, up to crustaceans and the inhabitants of the shores and they will be amazed by such wonder. Leafing through the pages of the Inventory they will find, for each topic, a very short introductory sheet, followed by full-page color illustrated tables, with a small caption showing the scientific and common name followed by a brief description that highlights the peculiarities of each species.

Above all, they will be able to understand how the sea, the cradle of life on earth, is constantly threatened by human activities, pollution and uncontrolled fishing. The Illustrated Inventory, despite its simplicity, wants to leave young readers with a far-reaching message: it reminds us that we owe respect to the sea and that the marine ecosystem is wonderful and fragile; it also makes us understand that everyone, even the youngestthey can make a contribution to protecting the sea and its biodiversity.


Maria Beatrice Lupi, a naturalist and expert in training, planning for sustainable development, participatory methodologies, and European planning. Currently, she is involved in dissemination and education for sustainability.

Translation by Maria Antonietta Sessa