Prendiamoci cura della Terra


Natale Emilio Baldaccini

Chairman of the Scientific  Committee

Former Professor of Ethology and Conservation of Zoocenotic resources at University of Pisa. President of Scientific Committee of the “Parco Naturale Regionale delle Apuane”. Member of Scientific Committee of the” Parco Naturale Regionale della Maremma”. Member of the Regional (Tuscany) Committee for “ Protected Areas and Biodiversity”. Author of over 200 scientific papers on national and international journals. He is active in the field of scientific education, and co-author of academic textbooks  in the field of Ethology, General and Systematic Zoology, Comparative  Anatomy.


Marcella Camici

Member of the Scientific Committee

Associate Professor of  Biochemistry at the Department of Biology of University of Pisa. Teaching activity: Biochemistry for degree courses in Biological Sciences and Natural Sciences. Research activity: 85 publications in international journals, 130 abstracts and 20 proceedings of national and international Congresses. Member of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Research topics: molecular aspects of purine compound metabolism.


Marcello Deidda


Student of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Sassari and about to graduate, he’s always been interested in Nature and Wildlife, with particular interest in Ornithology. He has had several experiences in Wildlife, including bird-ringing camps, monitoring and censuses. Currently he participates with the University of Sassari in a project that takes care of the study and the repopulation of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Sardinia. He is an active member of  LIPU (Italian League for the Protection of Birds).


Federica Diana

Member of the Executive Board

Student of Natural Sciences at the University of Sassari. She is the Provincial Delegate of Lipu, the Italian League for the Protection of Birds. His interests include environmental education, scientific study and protection of biodiversity. He attended the course of bird-ringing for scientific purposes in the island of Asinara; she took part in the conference on the frenzied exploitation of resources in Kusadasy (Turkey, 2015). Presently, she is conducting studies about the sponge distribution in Sardinia.


Alessandra Donnini

Member of the Scientific Committee

Technical manager and member of Ectware, semantic web and Linked Open Data expert. Former adjunct professor at Università of Roma – Tor Vergata; Director of Business Unit Pubblica Amministrazione in Progesi S.p.a., she has carried out projects for il MIBAC (Ministero Beni culturali e Turismo), on behalf of Scuola Normale di Pisa, and LABC (Laboratori per la Cultura) research projects.


Anna Lacci


Freelance professional, responsible for Studio Daphne. Project manager, consultant, educator. Expert on environmental education, sustainable development, environmental communication, landscape-reading education, ecological reconversion. She organizes events, sets up exhibitions and educational spaces. She is the author of documentaries, books and interdisciplinary didactic notebooks, multimedia educational materials. She has participated as a speaker in conferences and national and international conventions. Former member of the “Commissione Italiana UNESCO” for  DESS, now “Comitato Nazionale per l’Educazione alla Sostenibilità” (CNES AGENDA 2030).   She madly loves cats and books. She adores traveling the world.


Maria Beatrice Lupi


Naturalist for passion and training, she studied Natural Sciences at  University of Pisa. From 2001 to 2011 she was the legal representative and  project manager of Laguna srl, services for sustainable development. She is an expert on education, participatory methodologies, European planning and sustainable development planning.  She collaborates with public and educational organizations in  complex planning which may generate synergic networks with experts of renowned experience and competence. Besides acting as a speaker and moderator in local and national events,  she is currently interested in the promotion of local communities.


Fabrizio Piredda

Member of the Executive Board

He graduated in Graphics at IED (European Institute of Design) with a thesis on the etnographic culture of rural areas and specialized in digital printing. Since 1992 he has worked at online/offline communication projects both in regional and national areas. Since 2009 he has been a freelance expert and art director and has collaborated in several events and publications in the field of environmental communication, including the “Manuale di Sopravvivenza Energetica” (Handbook of Energetic Survival) written for ScienzaExpress by Andrea Mameli, with whom he supervises “Autopsia della pubblicità” (Autopsy of advertising), a series of educational conferences on the ethics of advertising language.


Lina Podda

Member of the Executive Board

She holds a degree in Natural Science and PhD in Applied Environmental Botany. She is currently working on a research grant awarded by the Life and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Cagliari. Since 2003 she has worked in the Biodiversity Conservation Center (BCC) and was involved in several research projects related to conservation in situ and ex situ of invasive alien species. She is a member and founder of the Diomedea Cooperative, since 1999 she deals with environmental education and information. She collaborates with the Marine Protected Area Capo Carbonara and with the Botanical Garden of Cagliari on education services and guided tours.


Maria Antonietta Sessa

Vice president

An English language and literature teacher, she is also interested in web developing and video editing; she has been the chief coordinator of many  European and international projects and, by working at close contact with foreign schools for more than ten years, she has got in touch with many best practices which have given her the opportunity and motivation to innovate her didactic methodology. She coordinated several projects included in the program of ASEF Classroom Network, an international organization which promotes friendship relationships between Asian and European schools. From 2001 to 2014 her projects were included among the six finalists of the year and were awarded with Merit and Gold prizes.  Lately she has been involved in experimenting the educational uses of Advanced Reality.


Francesco Sgarrella

Member of the Executive Board

He obtained the degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Pisa. At present he’s Full Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Sassari, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Member of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, he is coauthor of many scientific publications. His main research topic is the regulation of metabolism of nucleic acids as energy source. He is passionate about nature, history and archeology. He loves birdwatching and excursions, particularly when carried out in places interesting from a naturalistic and archaeological point of view.


Irene Testoni

Member of the Scientific Committee

Feline relationship and ethology Consultant, SIUA’s (School of Human-Animal Interaction) Referee for CRF (Consultancy in Feline Relationship). Zooanthropologist and Zooanthropology Educator, SIUA’s Referee of ZD (Zooanthropology Education). Founder and President of the Zooanthropology’s Association “ZOETICAMENTE”. Deals with: cat’s behavior, rehabilitation and education, human vs animal relation, ethology, ethics of human-natural environment relation. LIPU (Italian League Birds Protection) member and collaborator. She integrates her multidisciplinary training and her passion for natural sciences with the study of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Sassari.