Prendiamoci cura della Terra


We are happy to make the materials on this page available to everyone free of charge. We thank the authors who share their knowledge and their experience.

Dedicated to adult citizens and secondary school students, the project offers historical-documentary research on the presence of the monk seal in coastal areas.
The research will answer specific questions and will cover the moments and reasons for the removal of the Seal from our shores and will become an ebook consisting of interviews, videos, photos, and texts: La foca monaca nel Mediterraneo – Storie di conflitti e pacificazioni
The starting point for the research will be the ebook you find below on this same page. Oggi parliamo di Foca Monaca .

The educational resource was created as part of the “Operation Nun Seal” project. We also inform you that the entire project will be available in English.

The Association, to support the costs of the entire project, has launched a fundraising campaign, to which we hope you will join even with a small contribution.


The adventures of Cetti is an educational game useful to get children and teenagers interested in the Mediterranean Monk Seal. It is particularly recommended for primary and lower secondary schools and is part of an environmental education project that begins with the video cartoon Story of a monk seal told by herself, which you can find below on this same page.
The adventures of Cetti is one of EARTH GARDENERS ‘initiatives for schools included in the “Monk seal project”. The Association, to support the costs of the entire project, has launched a fundraising campaign, ( to which we hope you will join even with a small contribution.

Download the e-book for Windows! 

If you are interested in seeing the video even offline, write to and we will send you the file.

The video cartoon Story of a monk seal told by herself talks about the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in a conversational and amusing way. Designed for children and teenagers, adults like it a lot too!
This educational video has also been made as part of the “Monk seal project”. The Association, to support the costs of the entire project, has launched a fundraising campaign, to which we hope you will join even with a small contribution. ( )


Lezioni di Felicità (Lessons of Happiness) is the result of a wonderful experience by Fabrizio Carbone, journalist, writer, traveler, and environmentalist, who expresses his passion for nature also through photography, drawing, and painting.

Fabrizio used the Covid19 lockdown to teach children the art of drawing using links via the Internet. “It was them, the guys I had already drawn together with in the past years, who asked that to me. “Since we are forced into the house and we can’t come to you, why don’t we paint online, using the computer and Skype? “ And so Fabrizio got enthusiastic and decided that “given the impossibility of actually doing it, the trip would be the background scenario and that, consequently, we could virtually travel, with our private and special plane, to any place in the world. which Nature would have been the absolute protagonist. She with her animals and her landscapes. “

Lezioni di felicità expresses the joy of a naturalist who finds the enthusiasm of a boy again and together with 18 boys between 7 and 10 years and their younger brothers, travels around the world following the imagination on board of pencils, pens, markers, and brushes.

The simple and elegant graphics are by Alessandro Troisi, professional graphic designer, and illustrator since 1985, in charge of Pandion editions which published Lezioni di felicità.

Il Cuore sul Lago (Heart on the Lake) is a fairy tale inspired by homogenitoriality in nature: a behavior found in several animal species. The most famous is that of the Penguins, in which two males often raise the offspring, and that of the Albatros, in which couples of females who take care of the young are very common. Set in Australia, among kangaroos and crocodiles, it speaks of a less famous homogenitorial species: the Black Swan.

The fable is followed by a scientific study on homosexuality and adoption in animals, documented by a rich bibliography, which makes it particularly valuable for teachers and trainers.

Rosario Balestrieri, the author of the book, dedicates this story “to the victims of homophobia and any other form of discrimination dictated by ignorance and fear of the different”. Secretary of the Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici e Presidente dell’Associazione di tutela ambientale ARDEA (Italian Center for Ornithological Studies and President of the Environmental Protection Association ARDEA), he deals with communication, dissemination, environmental education, and citizen science for the “Anton Dohrn” Zoological Station (Stazione Zoologica); since 2016 Rosario has been studying the issue of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. He holds seminars all over Italy, has related degree theses, written popular articles, participated in radio broadcasts to raise public awareness on the fact that there is nothing “against nature” in the world. It is available and can be found at the email address:

Translation by Maria Antonietta Sessa