Prendiamoci cura della Terra

Who’s Who

Natale Emilio Baldaccini,  Head of the Scientific Technical Committee

Former Full Professor of Ethology and Conservation of Zoocenotic Resources of the University of Pisa. Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Zoological Union and President of the relevant “Wildlife Commission”. President of the Scientific Council of the Apuan Regional Natural Park. Member of the scientific council of the Maremma Park. Author of over 200 scientific papers in international and national journals. It carries out scientific dissemination activities. He is co-author of university texts on Ethology, General Zoology and Systematics, Comparative Anatomy.


Marcella Camici, Member of the Scientific Technical Committee

Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa. Holder of courses in Biochemistry for Biological Sciences and Natural Sciences. Author of 85 articles published in international journals, 130 communications and 20 acts of national and international Congresses. He is a member of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Study the molecular aspects of the metabolism of purine compounds.


Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è IMG-20210322-WA0008x.jpgSilvia Cardia, Membro del Consiglio Direttivo

Guida ambientale escursionistica, opera nel settore della divulgazione naturalistica, interpretazione ed educazione all’ambiente e alla sostenibilità. Dal 2000 si occupa della progettazione e gestione delle attività didattiche e d’educazione ambientale del CEAS – Centro di Educazione all’Ambiente e alla Sostenibilità – AMP (Area Marina Protetta) Capo Carbonara, come socia della cooperativa Diomedea, per conto della quale progetta percorsi incentrati sulla conoscenza dell’ambiente ed attività didattiche e d’educazione ambientale, rivolte sia al mondo scolastico che extra scolastico. Ha partecipato alla progettazione e realizzazione dei materiali divulgativi e didattici del CEAS AMP Capo Carbonara. E’ interessata a collaborare e a creare “rete” con chi condivide la passione e il rispetto per l’ambiente.


Federica Diana, Member of the Board

Graduating in Natural Sciences at the Marino address at the University of Sassari. Currently Provincial Delegate of Lipu, Italian League for Bird Protection. His interests include environmental education, scientific dissemination and biodiversity protection. He participated in the scientific Bird ringing course on the island of Asinara; took part in the conference on the intensive exploitation of resources held in Kusadasy (Turkey, 2015). Conducts studies on the distribution of the spongofuna of Sardinia.


Elena Falchi, Segretaria

Laureata in Scienze Politiche presso l’Università di Sassari, è impiegata bancaria. Da sempre appassionata studiosa del rapporto tra ambiente naturale e uomo è anche membro dell’Associazione Sassarese di Filosofia e Scienza che promuove il dialogo tra sapere filosofico e scientifico .



Anna Lacci, President

Freelancer, owner of the Daphne Studio. Project manager, consultant, trainer. Expert in environmental education, sustainable development, environmental communication, territory education, ecological reconversion. Organize events, set up exhibitions and educational spaces. Author of documentaries, volumes and notebooks of interdisciplinary teaching, multimedia dissemination materials. She has participated as a speaker at national and international conferences and symposia. Former member of the UNESCO Italian Commission for the DESS, now the National Committee for Education for Sustainability (CNES AGENDA 2030). He loves cats and books madly. He loves traveling the world.


Maria Beatrice Lupi, Capo redattrice Sito web

Naturalist for passion and training, he studied Natural Sciences at the University of Pisa. From 2001 to 2011 he was the legal representative and project manager of Laguna srl, services for sustainable development. Expert in training, participatory methodologies, European design and planning for sustainable development, collaborates with public bodies and training organizations to carry out complex projects that generate synergistic networks with other experts with recognized experience and expertise. Speaker and moderator in local and national events, she is currently involved in territorial and social valorization.


Carlo Milia, Membro del Consiglio Direttivo

Laureato in Scienze Biologiche, formatore e divulgatore scientifico, docente di Scienza degli alimenti, da oltre 20 anni si occupa di progetti, campagne ed eventi di valorizzazione del territorio e di sviluppo sostenibile.



Fabrizio Piredda, Member of the Board

He graduated in Graphics at the IED with a cross-media thesis on the material culture of rural areas, specialized in digital printing. Since 1992 he has integrated online and offline communication in the regional and national sphere. Since 2009 he has been a freelance consultant and art director and collaborates in numerous events and publications in the field of environmental communication, including the Handbook of Energy Survival written for ScienzaExpress by Andrea Mameli, with whom he supervises the cycle of teaching conferences on communication ethics. persuasive Autopsy of advertising.


Lina Podda, Member of the Board

Graduated in Natural Sciences and European PhD in Environmental and Applied Botany, she is a research fellow at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cagliari. Since 2003 he has been collaborating with the Biodiversity Conservation Center (CCB), taking part in several research projects on in situ and ex situ conservation and specifically dealing with the study of invasive alien plants. Founding member of the Diomedea Cooperative, since 1999 she has been involved in dissemination and environmental education, collaborating with the Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara in the management of the educational services of the CEAS and with the teaching staff of the Botanical Garden of Cagliari.


Maria Antonietta Sessa, Membro del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico  –  Web master -Responsabile sito web e pagina Facebook

Teacher of English with the hobby of web development and video editing, is coordinator of European and international projects. His ten-year experience in the Comenius European Projects has allowed her to innovate her teaching methodology through the comparison with cutting-edge schools. He coordinated several projects included in the ASF Classroom Network program, an international organization of friendship between Asian and European schools; From 2011 to 2014 his projects have been awarded the Merit Award and the Gold Award. At the moment she is engaged in the educational experimentation of the Augmented Reality.


Francesco Sgarrella, Member of the Board

Graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Pisa, he is Full Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Sassari. He is a member of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and co-author of numerous scientific publications. His main interest in research is the study of how to regulate the use of nucleic acids as a source of energy. He is passionate about nature and archeology. He loves birdwatching and excursions, better if carried out in places that are relevant from a naturalistic and archaeological point of view.


Irene Testoni, Vicepresidente – Responsabile Front office e montaggio video e documentari 

Relationship consultant and feline ethology, Referee SIUA (School of Animal-Animal Interaction) for Felina Relationship Advice. Operator of Didactic and Refereeing Zooantropologia SIUA for Didactic Zooanthropology. Founder and President of the Association of zooanthropology “ZOETICAMENTE”. He deals with behavior, rehabilitation and education of the cat, of the heterospecific relationship between the human animal and the non-human animal, of ethology, of the ethics of the relationship between man and natural environment. He collaborates with the LIPU (Italian League for Bird Protection) section of Sassari, of which he is a member. He integrates his multidisciplinary training and his passion for the natural sciences with the study of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Sassari.